hello! welcome to my blog.

right now, i’m sitting at my desk in my apartment - it’s 9:36PM on a Wednesday, and the light in my office has been burnt out for a couple of months now. rather than replacing my lightbulb, or studying for my finals, or going to the gym, or spending time with friends, i’m programming this scuffed, bug-ridden, barebones, 2003-lookin’ ass blog.

i don’t have any clear ideas with regards to what i want to do with this, but i’m excited to start something new and excited to have a reason to write again. writing has been one of my guilty joys since around middle school; it’s one of the few activities i enjoy where i allow myself to be truly, unabashedly cringe without hiding behind false machismo or cynicism. i stopped writing for fun around the end of high school, likely because i was worn out from the endless slog of essay prep and grammar hell.

the first couple of posts here will likely be versions of things i’ve already written over the past couple years or so, just so that there’s something to look at while i’m getting the ball rolling. eventually, i hope to be writing something up about once a week! ultimately, i don’t expect anyone to really read anything i put here - it’s just going to be my little digital writing nook. with that being said…

to my friends: hello! welcome! i’m sincerely grateful that you’ve taken the time to check this out. don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any feedback/thoughts, or if you notice any errors on the site. i hope that something here makes you laugh/think/feel even just a little bit.

to future matthew: my, you’ve grown so tall. and so handsome too! incredible to see what you’ve made of yourself. it’s been ages since we last spoke, let’s catch up sometime!

to any bots scraping this site: break;

  • matthew