scruffy head, bushy tail, small nose seasoned yearlings learned students of the quiet sparse forest crafty eyes gleam behind charcoal masks shining in moonlight over

the suburbs of their mothers low-lying, small nose leading with larcenous intent to the wooden fence, the waterlogged one, whistling the tune of the evening breeze through

a small hole, jagged splintered edges worn smooth and soft against the comings and goings of intruders, each strand of fur pressed tight against their body then released! springing into action the crew now hasted scurrying around the back down the lane right up to the gate

scruffy head, clasping, grasping, gasping as the latch releases! the gate swings wide, held open now bushy tail, barreling towards the bin, sturdy as always while small nose clambering up, balancing atop steady shoulders

without hesitation

a firm push

at the right spot

in the right direction

tipping back

then forth

then over and

the crash, scraps and peelings and bones and spoilings splayed in a grungy cornucopia each scramble for their favourites, revelling in the take just as

a door slams open

just one moment frozen in fear

then scrambling, stumbling, tripping, scuffling, re-opening the latch just as the man comes around the corner shares of the plunder dropped in the panic of egress shimmying through the escape just as the stomping and howling of pursuit grow distant

the posse, now enveloped in the safety of the shaded alleyways in their dumpster, basking in the delight of a successful haul, revitalizing their stores of warm fat just as the

seasons change